United Long Sleeve Custom Pilot Shirt Men
Features of our United Long Sleeve Custom Pilot Shirt Men:
• Our Mission: Strangers coming to you and saying " Hey that's a Great Shirt !!".
• Choice of 3 fabrics- 1. LOCKHEED-Polycotton "Highly Recommended", 2. MIAMI-Cottonpoly, 3. ATMOS-100%Cotton This is Premium 2Ply 80 Count Egyptian Giza Cotton.
• Custom Fitting as you need it, For 3 or more United Pilot Uniform Shirts, get 1st Shirt for approval to confirm. It's part of the order
• Guaranteed Fit & Quality.
• Sizes on File for future reordering.
• Single Point Stitching.
Most pilots, take pride in their uniforms and many due to their stature find it difficult to get a Perfect Shirt.